Alright a thread on the latest #PopeFrancis news, since several folks have already asked me my thoughts today. Please be generous and charitable, even when others are not.

Let start by looking at the reported words of Pope Francis:
Part I:
"Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God & have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it"
-I am not sure many disagree with this. The Church stands for compassion to be shown.
Part II (more troublesome):
"What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,...I stood up for that."
--Herein lies a few issues. What does he mean by "civil union law"? What is he really getting at? How are we to interpret his words?
Well, here is the issue with Pope Francis. He talks like a pastor who has a radical desire to save as many souls as possible, even those furthest from the Church. He DOES NOT talk with theological precision in these instances. This gets him into trouble.
In the past, he has clearly stated (repeatedly) that marriage is between one man & one woman. This is his starting point. He has not wavered on the doctrines surrounding sexuality. The question is how to apply them in a pastoral setting.
Thus, a fair reading would mean, this is most likely an attempt to keep marriage as being 1 man & 1 woman, but building in another pathway (civil unions) thus allowing for a different legal definition to cover same-sex couples. Maybe he sees this as a merciful compromise
You don't have to agree with the idea, but the least you can do is try to admire the attempt at mercy.

FYI - this is a private opinion and we are free to disagree. He is not speaking with his authority as Pope.
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