For #ReptileAwarenessDay, I think you all should be aware of the CUTE AND CHARMING fact that #rattlesnakes make themselves into little bowls to collect and drink rainwater.

Here is a smile-provoking depiction by artist Mike Essa.

It sure is cute, but is it true?? Read on 1/
Here is an image from one of @ScottBoback's game cameras set out in front of a prairie rattlesnake rookery this summer. We took images every 5 min, and usually the babies were laying around in piles, like this: 2/
Until it started sprinkling, that is. Then LOOK WHAT THEY DO!

Wee little slurpy snake bowls. Innate behavior. Just a few days after birth. They are born thirsty. 3/

We have footage of adults doing this too, en masse. That will have to wait for another post. I hope you appreciated this message about drinking snakes! #ReptileAwarenessDay
Here's the artist's website in case anyone wants to inquire about commissions. His work is so cute!! Here's another one he did for me, on rattlesnake parental care. 
You can follow @snakeymama.
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