SURGEONS: What did you wish you knew about intensive care if you could ask anything? If you're post-FRCS, what if any crit care topics came up in the exam?

INTENSIVISTS: What did you wish surgeons knew about critical care?
I'm teaching surgical senior regs next week, and besides asking them what they want to know, Twitter seems like a good place to get some ideas.

Some provisional thoughts:
How to make intensivists happy - please tell us if post-op patients may need to go back to theatre, when can we start thromboprophylaxis, when can enteral intake start, what are your specific worries about this patient etc?
What ICU can offer, and what it can't
Collaborative decision making in difficult cases where risk:benefit is uncertain
How, when and why we provide organ support

Anything else?
You can follow @icu_dave.
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