Happy National Pronouns Day! 🤍

thread: a few considerations for pronouns ⬇️
Use they or ask “what are your pronouns” when you don’t know. Don’t assume pronouns based on anyone’s appearance.
If a person explicitly and solely uses “she/her/hers” or “he/him/his”, don’t use “they” in reference to them. It’s important to respect and only use their specific, affirming pronouns.
People’s pronouns may change based on their environment for safety reasons. It never hurts to ask “what are your pronouns in this environment?” to ensure their safety elsewhere.
There are other pronouns besides “she”, “he”, and “they”. These are called neopronouns, and include some of the ones pictured below!
Advocating for your pronoun use can be very tiring, so please if you are an ally help your trans and non-binary friends by advocating when they aren’t around. Such a simple way to support them.
Lastly, society associates certain gender identity and expressions with certain pronouns but none of these things are inherently related! Gender is a unique experience to every individual, and pronouns are the same way. Always ask, don’t assume.
If you have anything you’d like to add, please quote or reply and I’ll retweet it! 🤍
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