why do we say "acab including fictional cops"? simple: copaganda. ok the problem obviously runs a little deeper than that, but copaganda is the over all problem here. what is copaganda? it's cop propaganda (hence the name), in which the audience is made to assume and believe+
that the average cop is just another average joe. the issue with this is the fact that no, cops are not just an "average joe." they are brutalizers and oppressors, protectors of the status quo. even if an individual cop does not try and do these things, the system+
they participate in was made with these things in mind, therefore they contribute to the corrupt system by being a part of it. the depiction of police as average joe is meant to make the audience, you, complacent with the system, believe that the system was made with+
the average joe in mind. keep in mind, it does not matter if this was the original intention of a show or character, any depiction of a "good cop" is copaganda because of the listed reasons above. even media that depicts cops/ex-cops in a way meant to criticise the system+
WILL eventually be coopted and twisted into copaganda whether it's by the media or by cops themselves (i.e. the punisher, judge dred, robocop). no one is asking you to hate these characters though, nor is anyone asking you to stop watching your favorite cop show.+
all we're asking is that you keep this in mind when talking about cop characters and enjoying cop shows. and yes, this sort of stuff extends to every country as well. we're also asking that you keep this in mind when u see someone hate a cop character for the fact they're a cop+
because everyone, especially marginalized people, has a right to hate a character for a reason so deep and personal. that is all.
people r starting to see this now, so I should apologize now for some of the awkwardness in this thread, I was mentally out of it while typing it. I still stand by what I said and I still think the points I made are right. the thread is just a little all over the place is all.
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