[sexual assault mention] how is this anti-sex worker bigotry in any way helping anybody https://twitter.com/cocainepilled/status/1315851869818769408
not to mention the original thread being messed up anyway.
would love for white leftists to learn that proof is in fact good, and also that uh...there's a lot going on in most situations
i was thinking about consent and how we talk about it and honestly a huge question for me is how to take oppression into account bc of things like this and also b/c false accusations against Black men have, historically, existed, and i've also seen one happen
it's important that someone feels heard and is cared for by their support network if they make an accusation like this but why DO twitter people default to public callouts? what if there's bigotry beneath the accusation?
bigotry admittedly doesnt feel like quite the right word for anti-sex worker sentiment, but it's pretty damn close.
by "seen one happen" for clarity i mean an afro-latino acquaintance was accused of sexual assault by a violently super-racist white girl
so many white anarchists are thinly veiled reactionaries and this person is a golden example
white leftists (tankies, anarchists alike) are too comfortable using far-right wings (see: op's joke tweets and handle)
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