Hey.. What if .. stay with me here ..

What if, upon scanning your MoH QR code at a shop or venue, instead of just a boring screen, up popped an animation of a smiling Dr. Bloomfield?
@minhealthnz #Gamify this thread ;)
It wouldn't really even have to be 'gamified'.check in, get a screen flash that shows plush bears in windows..ques at KFC.. bits of pandemic kiwiana when we all came together for a few months to beat this. There was no red v. blue going on. Remind us what we are fighting for.
Take politics out of the discussion. This is us.. all of us, against this brutal disease. Not Green, Nat or Jacindamaniac... Kiwis.. Pakeha, Islander, Asian, Indian, Arabic, Maori and the rest. M, F, Other. All kiwi . All part of the team that continues to beat this.
Just use the app. Its 2 seconds to pull it up. Put it on the home page of your phone. Bam. Done. Easy peasy. Its working, it's effective and its uncomplicated. It's not Excel
All fun aside.

Plug time.

If you like #TTRPGs #VideoGames and #Fantasy.. check my pinned. Kiwi made. Kiwi cast and crew. Free on TVNZ OnDemand in NZ.
You can follow @DallasBarnett3.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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