Kepada semua followers dan readers, aku minta maaf pasal tweet insensitive aku on breastfeeding mothers.

Truly aku failed utk empathise on the struggles of today's mothers yg kena juggle so many things in life in between breastfeeding their small children.

Bf is a tough duty and journey. Some hav it easy, some take time utk biasakan, some kena work very hard, and some still tak dapat bf properly despite all given effort.

Rezeki kita semua berbeza2.

I wish all the best for mothers who work really hard to ensure the best for their children, even sacrificing themselves & their wants, just so their kids get to have the best.

Please don't stop, do know that reward for such deeds are great, as long as tak melanggar syariat.

For struggling mothers, you can make bf work for you. Don't give up. Follow bf advocate groups on socmed, consult the right ppl, equip yourselves w knowledge, even way before you get pregnant.

And husbands, give all support you can to ur wives. It matters significantly.

Again, I apologize for the insensitive tweet. I'll do better. Goodnight everybody.


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