Every couple of Generations, you are asked to do big things. Whether that was the Civil War, the First World War, the Second World War or the UN action to defend Korea or the Vietnam War. Generations are asked to step up to the plate and offer resistance to injustice and to
wrongs that are hurting the human race. Yes that time has come for this Generation. The USA is at a crossroads and whether it wants to remain the beacon of Democracy or whether it will become the Banana Republic that one Political party thinks it needs to become to maintain power
and to handcuff it's citizenry to toil in agony for a few profiteers. America must continue it's journey to face down tyranny and restore civility to a once great Democracy. Like the Marine always preach, "Leave no person behind". This is your battle, this is your moment, this is
your moment in History that has selected you to measure up to what has gone before you.
All journeys of greatness start with ideas, America was an idea, that has never changed.
Please step up in this moment and correct the ship that veered off course.
The world is depending on the USA to do what it has done since 1776, it was a righteous course then, it is a righteous course now.
Remember your fore parents,remember the sacrifice, remember the idea.
It is not arms, it is a pen that will allow you your opportunity in History
The journey started with a declaration, a pen and paper, the idea continues today with a pen in the Ballot Box. The world needs your history to continue.
A pen. A mighty pen can continue the greatness of your nation. Please don't avoid greatness that is shown from decency and
kindness, from concern for personkind.
Heal the wound, it can be accomplished by voting and showing the lessons of history have been learned.

The "idea" must remain safe.

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