To chime in late to the Contrapoints 'Voting' video discussion, I want to make the point that she is arguing against a complete strawman the entire video, rather than engaging with the arguments made by the revolutionary left, and that hurts the debate whatever side you're on
The debate on whether socialists in America should vote for Biden is an important one to be having, and I am fully in favour of people who think they should (I don't) making their case, so we can have that discussion and clarify this and related questions, and come out stronger
but this video doesn't clarify anything, it isn't a good faith engagement with the other side, she is attacking a complete strawman, and reducing her opponents to an incredibly insulting caricature of 'overly online leftists' who don't have any strategy or plans beyond 'smash'
and the worst part about it is that she became well known for doing the opposite to the alt-right, for earnestly engaging with the actual arguments they were making, and not attacking strawmen or going after their worst arguments to score cheap points
But here the arguments she addresses are a mix of strawmen arguments and the worst arguments from the other side, not the best. She's clearly willing to put in the research to address alt-right arguments properly, but not the revolutionary lefts for some reason
I could go on about all the problems with the video, but that is what annoys me most, it hurts the debate because people who trust her to do her research will think that's an accurate representation of our position and that there isn't a debate to be had
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