stole this from the tl. give me an excuse to talk about myself 😔🤚
subbed but dubbed doesnt bother me. i get too lazy to read sometimes
2. this is honestly so’s hxh
3. my comfort anime is naruto lmao
4. i dont have a top 3 but hxh is definitely number 1 😭
5. the two anime characters i relate to are killua and kaminari
6. i finished noragami recently
7. i like horror/gore-ish stuff???
8. please idk any. my senior quote was “believe it” 😔
9. tbh idk dbdbbd
10. he would die tbh
11. there isn’t really any. i just want a new season of noragami or hxh
12. would anyone even want a voice reveal?
14. it’s funny
15. falling down by lil peep & x
16. i used to play soccer & volleyball and i did gymnastics and taekwondo for a bit
17. im afraid of birds and mall santas
18. my real life nickname is kris 😔🤚
19. i joined because i need friends who like anime at the same level i do
20. united states 🤢
21. female!
22. i say “shit” a lot lmao
23. currently my hair is black with purple low lights and bangs
24. im a virgo...dont say mean things 😡
25. it is what it is
26. anything. im easy to please lol
27. i enjoy watching anime
28. im scared of birds and i think they work for the government. dont @ me 😭🤚
29. i can tell everything to the voice in my head❤️
30. my sisters
31. my worst mistake was being friends with certain people
32. i recently lied to my parents that im fine
33. my biggest accomplishment has been staying alive ❤️
34. this morning i saw a blue bird and started singing the naruto op out loud 😭
35. i overthink, i peel the skin around my nails off, and i twitch my head a lot
36. i like my whole body but the proudest part has to be my abs or my butt lmaooo
37. yall already know what i look like 💀
38. i get annoyed at “pick me girls”, when someone puts text over a random background and calls it their art and tries to sell it, or when people call themselves ugly for compliments dbdbbddb
39. i have but i dont like talking about it
40. im not that type of person
42. im 18 😼
43. im 5’3 😔🤚💔
44. uhhh. i like hands, voice, and height 🙄
45. cussing and being vulgar, not groomed eyebrows or finger nails, and camouflage clothes 🤢
46. hugs 🥺
47. uhhhh idk
48. my idea of a perfect date is staying in with a lot of food and watching anime
49. ...
50. yes lololol [end of thread]
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