Arguments not in the video

“People will go back to sleep under Biden and not protest anymore”

Disillusionment under Obama gave us Occupy Wall St, Black Lives Matter and the movement for Bernie Sanders. That disillusionment isn’t going anywhere.
Yeah a bunch of celebrities and brunch people will go back to sleep because they’re not leftists and they just want anyone but Trump. If you want genuine leftist protests you want anti-liberal status quo momentum, but slide into fascism only gets you anti-fascist momentum.
“What about voting third party as a protest?”

If this was an Obama/Romney situation and there was a strong leftist candidate I could buy that. But I think the Trump situation is very dire, and getting rid of him has to take precedent over sending a message to the DNC.
“We’ve been lesser-eviling for 40 years, that’s what got us where we are now.”

Again if this was Obama/Romney I’d agree. My argument is Trump is uniquely dangerous, that we’re on the edge of losing this country to fascism. Biden not just lesser evil but categorically different.
Some people think I’m being hysterical about Trump. But in 2016 my fears about Trump were considered hysterical and in fact I wasn’t afraid enough. A second term will embolden him. Things can still get much much worse.
In my view the #1 priority of any leftist project has to be stopping Trump by any means necessary, voting for Biden included. I’m really afraid for this country, for myself and the people around me. Maybe I’m being hysterical but I can’t repress my own perception of this.
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