Just saying it here I personally don’t mind QRTs on my work at all. I’ve always seen it as more of a “person takes my work and shows it to their friends or social circle expressing how cool they think it is” than a “person taking attention away from me”.
You can still retweet normally, just leave the text box blank. It’s not that terrible of an inconvenience, just takes a moment of getting used to.

Twitter isn’t “screwing over artists”. It just inconveniences us because Twitter isn’t and wasn’t ever designed for our benefit.
Also, don't underestimate the effect that a verbal endorsement from a larger creator can have versus a plain retweet. I have done both and I do pay attention to the difference my interaction makes, and RTs are extremely hit and miss in my experience while QRTs almost always help.
Also, like, shit guys we're still all people on here, you realize that right? Marketing is about so much more than optimizing your battle against an invisible robot monster and plain numbers. It's understanding people and how you make them feel. That's a FAR bigger part of it.
Obviously not talking about bots, you get what I'm saying. Marketing is understanding human behavior and emotion more than anything. It's understanding how to create and foster connection with your work and your brand. Bashing people for using QRTs is utterly counterproductive.
You can follow @CaraidArt.
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