Lmao democrats are just miserable fucking failures jfc https://twitter.com/jchaltiwanger/status/1318918598337974272
Initially this pollster in september had like 32% of America in favor of the confirmation, dems have fucked this up so bad that climbed by like 20% despite the hypocrisy of Republicans and acbs wildly unpopular views on a # of issues
Liberals what will it take to realize the party is a walking talking pile of shit
Democrat support rose from 14% to 32%. Independent from 28 to 44. That's just a completely bungled messaging and strategic failure by democrats
Of course a good chunk of this is probably did to dianne feinstein, i wonder how libs who disingenuously weaponized accusations of prejudice against Bernie Sanders and supporters in the primary feel seeing chuck grassley do the same thing
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