Hello, i’m just here to state my opinion on babygate so idc if you read or not I just want to express my feelings about this:)
First of all, I don’t believe in babygate at all, feel free to unfollow me, block me I don’t care. I respect that you have your own opinion about it and I hope you will respect mine.
I really don’t understand why they would put a little kid out in danger like that for the public. I don’t believe that L really would agree to all of this?
Put a kid in the public, which immediately puts him in danger, and for no fucking reason?
And don’t tell me ‘it’s bc they want to hide his sexuality’ no. I can’t understand that they would go this far with covering up his sexuality. Use a beard, fine! But don’t use a fucking kid to prove it!!!!
And please not the Belfast theory about involving bg. You really think that h and l ran of bc Simon made L continue with pretending? Pls
You have to understand that we don’t know shit about them honestly? There’s so much stuff going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about!! Go on with your theories and stuff but don’t jump to a conclusion without any proof of it.
Clown how much you fucking want but we don’t have the truth about anything🤷🏼‍♀️
Back to bg, i respect them so much and I don’t want to sit here and talk about L’s kid not being fake cause it just sounds horrible to me. I feel disgusting.
He has a kid, deal with it. Right now he has a girlfriend as well, leave her alone! If he’s happy let him be! And DONT go after his kid.
Don’t set anything straight unless we know something for real.
This thread is so messy and I’m honestly surprised if anyone gets my point🧍🏻‍♀️
Feel free to leave your opinion here if you feel comfortable with it:) this is just me giving out my opinion about it, I’m not trying to tell you not to stop believing in anything you believe in, I just want you to think a little bit longer:)
I’ll stop rambling bye
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