He still doesn't want us to be married, just civil unioned, so don't sprain any wrists patting him on the back.

“What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.” https://twitter.com/AP/status/1318917841404497923
As far as I, a non-Catholic American can see, this is not really new policy. Conservatives already want to undo gay marriage and push us back into civil unions.
Y'all hear "they are children of God" and think it's a nice warm fuzzy thing and it's really really not. This is standard "love the sinner, hate the sin, make their life a living hell in order to convert them" rhetoric.
I just really think a lot of the media aren't fluent enough in Christian bigotry to not get taken in by this stuff every other week.
Happily muting everyone who tells me I'm supposed to be happy about this, as a gayly married person whose beloved marriage is threatened by this garbage man and his garbage religion.
I'll be nicer to the most powerful man on earth when he stops telling everyone I don't deserve to be married to my husband, how's that.
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