Finished the book of Amos this morning in my reading. I was reminded how powerful, by God’s grace and providence, intercession can be! Ch 7 - The Lord showed Amos the judgment He was about to bring. Amos cried out, “Lord God, please forgive! How will Jacob survive since he is...
so small?” THEN “The Lord relented concerning this. ‘It will not happen,’ He said.” The Lord AGAIN shows Amos a call for judgment. “Then I said, ‘Lord God, please stop! How will Jacob survive since he’s so small?’ The Lord relented concerning this. ‘This will not happen either.’”
When the rebellion refuses to relent after numerous warnings, God does ultimately bring calamitous consequences but God heard & honored Amos’s prayers & delayed judgment & significant suffering. Satan is enormously invested in you continuing to think your prayers don’t matter.

Saint, PRAY. Nothing you can possibly say to another human being carries the weight of what you can say at the throne of grace because Jesus tore open the veil.
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