Here you have it. The greatest threat to democracy.

Democracy is based on rule of law, which requires a shared truth (a functioning public sphere).

Trump walked out of the 60 Minutes interview because he has only one way to win: He lies, and everyone repeats the lie.
Two key lies launched Trump into politics: Birtherism and "I am a successful businessman." It worked! He lied. People repeated the lies. Then enough people believed them.

He literally has no other way to "govern" or campaign.
This is nothing new. It's as old as written history.

In the middle ages, one of the lies was Jewish blood libel.

Want to go farther back? Let's talk about Darius I of Persia (522 BCE to 486 BCE)

He's sort of like the original Donald Trump. . .
He had his "life story" chiseled into a cliff. If we believe Darius’s account of his own life, he never suffered a single defeat or setback. He singlehandedly killed each of his enemies.

Moreover, the gods declared themselves on his side. (Of course)
Destroyers of democracy know how to weaponize (and distort) the institutions of democracy in order to destroy democracy.

The (totally bogus) argument goes like this.
#1: Democracy = freedom
#2: Freedom = free speech
My freedom to lie is therefore protected.

🛎️Ding. Wrong
The argument goes off the rails at the start. Unchecked personal liberty is at odds with democracy, which seeks fairness and equality, and therefore requires regulations.

That's why the same people who say ⤵️also say "America is not a democracy. It's a republic."
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