Because of #FamilySeparation my clients had to:

Watched a 9 year old sister physically ripped from their mothers arms by a @CBP officer while he watched from another room banging on the window.

Thread: 👇🏾
Comb her 8 year old daughters hair and change her clothes and then put her on a bus to god knows where not sure when or if she would ever see her again #FamiliesBelongTogether
Beg the federal courts for return of her daughter only to be told it may take more than a month. #TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks
When they took her daughter away, around Mother’s Day, the @CBP officer said - do you celebrate Mothers Day in Guatemala? When she said yes, he said well happy Mother’s Day we are taking your daughter from you.
She was only allowed a call to her daughter on Tuesdays. She would put on a brave face and smile, but then hang up the phone and sob so deeply it was heartbreaking. #WhereAreTheChildren
Another client had a five year old son who was starving. The father gave the son his burrito but later the son asked for more food. He asked the @CBP officer for food. Please he said for my son. The @CBP officer said “you didn’t come here to get fat”
A friend represented a mother whose INFANT was taken from her - there was no limit on the torture - the mothers breast were still leaking milk when the lawyer interviewed her. #CrueltyWasThePoint
One child blamed the mom because the mother missed her birthday while the child was alone in the shelter. The child asked the mother why? Why? the mom had failed her, and why she never came for her on her birthday. This is the video from their reunion.
You can follow @SusanBChurch11.
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