This is an in-depth interview with Governor Whitmer that is absolutely worth reading.
One of the more interesting parts is when Susan Demas and the Governor discuss possible reasons for the media-at-large to characterize the right wing plot against Whitmer as a "kidnapping" instead of a "murder" attempt.
But both "kidnapping" or "murder" are wrong.

Some have a right wing agenda and want to soft-pedal this thing.

Whitmer supporters prefer "murder," and that's fine.

But the term we should be using is "assassination attempt," with all the ugly implications that go along with it.
A final point: the right wing propagandists who sought to downplay the assassination attempt and replace it with "Governor Whitmer is a dictator" succeeded.

Three days after the arrests, Nolan Finley was back on his anti-Whitmer beat at the Detroit News, as if nothing happened.
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