critical race theory argues, amongst other things, that race and whiteness in particular were created and weaponised to subordinate and exploit non-white folks and how that racialised system has been supported by the law
it has nothing to do with this right wing caricature which frames it as trying to paint black people as perennial victims and white people as inherent oppressors. it is not a system of personal value judgments but instead is concerned with entrenched structural systems
what is so contradictory about the right wing attack on crt is that in attempting to paint crt as being predicated on racial stereotypes, right wingers, who are notionally colourblind, show an unwavering commitment to the innateness and intransigence of race
a position that crt theorists explicitly reject by exposing how race is not innate but is rather socially constructed which, in turn, entails that it may be socially dismantled
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