THREAD: Why this pose and the whole fox-eye trend is an issue
First of all, I don’t mean any disrespect to anyone, I’m just trying to educate. Be kind ❤️
The “Fox Eye” trend has been popularised by among models like Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Emma Chamberlain. They pull their temples with both hands to create a slanted eye look but this exact pose has been used to mock East Asian features.
The fact is: their eyes only became a trend when white people decided it would conveniently fit their aesthetic.
Many Asian women SURGICALLY ALTERED their eye shape to become more round due to the racial abuse.
This is ignorant towards past racism and appropriates East Asian eyes. White people are constantly being praised for things that ethnic minorities are struggling with and would get treated in a derogative way over.
Too many of us grew up having our ethnic features mocked and ridiculed, resulting in internalised racism, insecurities and self hate. The fox eye trend fails to address the years of trauma so many Asians have faced.
The “fox eye” trend completely invalidates the decades of normalised racism against the Asian community. For many East Asians, their childhood is riddled with memories of people pulling their eyes in an effort to ridicule their features.
When an entire community voices their discomfort and concerns about seeing cultural appropriation in the media, you LISTEN.
I don’t want to hear “it’s just a pose” or “Calm down, it’s just a trend” - the same people are mocking East Asians and making comments such as “open your eyes”.
Just because this trend is normalised, doesn’t mean it’s right.
Once again, I’m not trying to hate on people who have done this. Simply just trying to educate. Be kind ❤️
Credits: dearsasianyouth (insta)
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