God help me but I’m looking at the early vote data and starting to think if there’s a systemic polling error it’s going to be in Biden’s favor.

It’s going to be so fucking weird if Biden ends up winning by like 13 or 14, on some shit we haven’t seen since Reagan
Feeling like a lot of us on the left who were predicting doom are gonna be eating crow soon. Although in our defense it was hard to see the whole global plague thing coming and how it would play out
Ah well, I’m experienced at taking Ls, I’ll live
Doom for Biden/Dems, I mean*
Had a thought: could see a scenario in which media coverage of massive Dem advantage in early votes demotivates and reduces GOP Election Day turnout. Kind of a baked-in risk for the GOP expectation of winning it all on Nov 3
Houston is already over 50% of total 2016 votes, on the first day of early voting. Margins in party reg or demographic modeling look great for Dems pretty much nationwide. Could see a snowball effect maybe as Dems get psyched up and MAGAs feels hopeless
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