#EndSARS We have had enough. We don't want a reformation or re-branding. We want complete removal of such unscrupulous and inhumane elements.✊🏾 What can you do to help?👇🏾
1. Educate yourself! Reading about what’s happening in Nigeria puts you in a better position to spread the word about the police brutality! #EndSARSImmediately
2.Amplify their voices! Use your social media platforms to spread the word. Using hashtags such as: #EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeraNOW #EndSARSImmediately #EndPoliceBrutality ✊🏾
3. Donate! You can donate to a fundraising campaign such as @feminist_co 👈🏾

Click the link here: https://feministcoalition2020.com/ 
4. Write to the Nigerian High Commission and demand that action is taken! #EndSARS
5. Educate others! If they are unsure of what’s going on, help them understand so they can spread the word too. ✊🏾
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