I have some real concerns about the recent call for physiotherapists to be able to prescribe medications such as codeine, tramadol, pregabalin and gabapentin as outlined below.

And I will not be supporting these recommendations

A short thread...

Already I see too many physios inappropriately suggesting these medications to patients and fear this will make it worse.

I will also add that I see too many doctors also inappropriately prescribing these medications as well, but thats another issue this will not fix
I also see way too many physios inappropriately recommending and administering corticosteriod injections to way too many patients ever since they were given more access to use them... and it seems to be only getting worse!

Again I fear the same will happen with these medications
There are, in my opinion, very good reasons why these medications should be difficult and awkward to obtain for patients.

And removing some obstacles to access them can mean creating other obstacles elsewhere!

Faster doesn’t automatically mean better!
Don’t get me wrong I think the physiotherapy profession should be looking for ways to progress and grow its understanding and management of pain in our patients.

I just don’t think prescribing or injecting medications is the best way to do this!
And I say all of this as a physio who has trained and practiced ultrasound guided injections myself!

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