Something which doesn't get nearly enough attention IMO is Stonewall's stated intent to lobby the judicial system to "ensure trans people's privacy is protected" around what they euphemistically call "sex by deception". I have heard several anecdotal cases of women having sex..
with people they thought were men but were trans men, and who were too embarrassed afterwards to say anything for fear of looking transphobic. In the current climate, this is entirely predictable. Yet it's an obvious violation of consent and yet another case where trans person's/
TLDR- biological sex matters to people, and so it should - for sexual orientation, as much as for sport, medicine, the provision of social structures to mitigate sexual violence, and so on.
Relatedly - seems that Edinburgh Uni Law School are currently running AHRC-funded project on "Identity Deception: A Critical History". It's leader Chloe Kennedy is on record as saying "to speak of gender deception is.. to deny the self-identified or lived gender of the defendant. "The project will involve investigating ..why contemporary discourse about criminalising these kinds of deception has come to be structured around certain core themes (e.g. that victim autonomy is paramount) .. often to the exclusion of others"
"The proposed research has the potential to benefit a number of organisations and communities outside the academy." says project blurb.

I'm going to take a massive punt and tell you I don't think the beneficiaries of this ideologically-driven AHRC-funded project will be women.
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