Growing up with a dad who is a published political commentator on Nigeria, I got to understand that Nigeria’s problems are way deeper than what you see on the surface

The bribery, intimidation, godfather sponsorships, nepotism, money laundering etc. it’s like a mafia syndicate.
The things some (many?) politicians do before they get the power, to keep the power and to survive after they leave power show their true colours

The system is broken, but it operates how as it designed to by those who benefit from it. A lot of people have blood on their hands
Governor A gets sponsored by businessman b to get into power. When he does, he allocates state roadworks projects to businessman b.

But bussinessman b is only in it to make profits, so he gets ÂŁ100M for the contract, pockets ÂŁ60M and does a shuddy ÂŁ40M job. That is Nigeria.
How do you actually beat a system like that? It’s not just that money is being stolen, the money designated to frame the spine of society and advancement of all sectors is going to people who made shady backdoor deals with those in power.

The entire political system is corrupt!
The Nigerian political system is the most sure investment available in Nigeria. The profiteering from corruption is extraordinary and consistent.

This is why we have corrupt leaders, because our system appeals most to those who see opportunity to abuse it.
The rich godfathers who sponsor political parties and play the silent roles in framing our system to their benefit will never sponsor candidates/parties who will actually make the system work against them, and work for everyone else.
These are not problems unique to Nigeria, most governments are corrupt to some degree, but scale of corruption in comparison to money actually invested in the nation’s development, and impunity culture for the culprits vary and matter from nation to nation.
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