Thinking about deleting Twitter, a thread!
I deleted Facebook back in July 2019 and I have to tell you I don’t miss it. I don’t miss the constant scrolling and the constant refreshing looking to see if my “friends” We’re up to something new or whatever it didn’t matter to me anymore. Facebook is fake
I deleted Instagram back in June 2020 because I found that I gained no more interest in posting pictures online anymore because it doesn’t bring me enjoyment as it may have in 2014. I have grown up a lot and I care less now about random strangers likes then maybe I did then
Here I am, now in mid fall of 2020 saying that I’m contemplating deleting Twitter. I absolutely am going to keep Snapchat because I do still get some joy out of posting on there plus it doesn’t make me feel like I “have to”, I do it as I please
Twitter has had its ups and downs for me since I started officially using this as my main back in March 2019 but at the same time to I have enjoyed some things but certainly detested others. I will admit I mainly took this one up because I was hoping to get somewhere in SM
And though I do have over 200 followers my engagement on Twitter is less than 2% of all of those people per post which realistically means almost none of you see anything that I tweet and I have over 12,000 tweets which I kind of dislike as an algorithm
Most of you were probably not even gonna see this thread I know a couple of people will because they have my tweet notifications on but most others won’t and aside from the fact that I gain a lot from seeing the news on my feed Twitter has a lot of problems and I’m done with most
Stating your opinion, usually non-toxic, especially when it’s about simple things causes you to be attacked by people who don’t use their own picture as their profile picture because they hide behind anonymity, this is the open Internet show your face you big disgrace
I enjoy having some back-and-forth on here with my friends and what not but Twitter has definitely become oversaturated with things that just stress you out from looking at them. I might tweet a lot but I don’t generally state my feelings about my feed
The fact that my feet is almost entirely made up of things that people I follow have liked instead of things from people I follow essentially means I’m not ever seeing anything from the people I follow the algorithm is actually a big mess
Don’t get me wrong, Twitter will always be better than Facebook, Twitter is willing to take down fake news and willing to tackle all of that crap but I think I could do better just reading the news and commenting to myself then feeling I have to tell people
That’s my next big problem with Twitter, when you use it as your main and you’re someone like me you really feel like you need to post every thought that comes to your mind, that is certainly a mistake on my part but unfortunately an attitude that Twitter created
I do have a couple people on here that I message with primarily because they don’t have proper cellular means but I’m pretty sure if they just download Snapchat we could have the same conversations.
All in all my 5:30 AM rant about whether or not I’m going to delete Twitter I am not sure if I’m going to do that today or if I’m gonna do that months from now. It’s just I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time and I want to bring peace and proper mental health to me
I’m not someone who’s often struggling with my own mental health and I just don’t want social media to drag me down to a level where in fact I will struggle and it is mercury in retrograde right now so I’m not sure if this is something that I meant to do or not
Only time will tell and of course those people I talk to will receive a message to move over to snap
You can follow @TheAngry_Ranter.
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