Tweets saying things like "stop saying that's ADHD, that's normal and ADHD is only xyz" show how many ADHDers don't understand what it is & how it presents. Like yeah buddy, u fit the stereotype of hyperactive white dude, that doesn't mean my inattentive woman self is faking it.
Same with "stop normalising/self diagnosing, ADHD is -narrow stereotype that only I have-". It just reveals how little people understand about the vast and nuanced ways people experience ADHD, and all the barriers there are to getting a diagnosis.
One of those barriers is that stereotypes paint ADHD as a v male white thing, which is reaffirmed by all the gatekeeping people do based on those stereotypes. More people identifying with the label doesn't diminish its identity- it does the opposite.
More people identifying with ADHD widens our understanding of what we are going through and helps people historically excluded recognise themselves in it. Those people don't appear to have ADHD bc our beliefs around ADHD are biased. They should be welcomed, not excluded.
You can follow @AdhdAngsty.
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