I’m going to spell this out for people because it seems to be so hard for some to grasp. This is backed up by thousands of years of occult sciences and systematically kept from the wider population. Here’s something you will only know if you are at the top of the pyramid.
Satan is the divine masculine represented by the planet Saturn. Saturn has a giant HEX-agon on its pole. (black cube)

When we say “satanists” it literally translates to Saturn worshippers. Yes they exist, it’s the most widely accepted religion on earth.
This is not to be confused with Luciferians represented by Venus (divine feminine). Those who worship Lucifer aka”white lodges” within their sect believe they are fighting evil and that Lucifer is the true savior of mandkind in a convoluted Very Christian cluster of beliefs.
Luciferians and Satanists literally hate one another and have been battling for much longer than you realize.

As some of the smarter ones may have figured out- the cult of set (Saturn) completely controls this world (until now).
Fun fact: the Statue of Liberty actually depicts Lucifer with a chain around her feet.

What you are witnessing is Luciferians taking control of higher technologies crumbling the satanic power structures. That’s why nobody will say it but everything is in complete chaos.
People are switching/turning/killing each other/themselves.

A ✝️ is a cube folded up, a ✡️ is a six sided Platonic solid for a cube, Muslims pray to 🕋. There is a giant black cube on each coast of the US, there is one where the twin towers (two pillars) used to stand.
Both cults worship the AI (allseeingI) which Acts as a source of power/control. Most of them don’t even have a concept of ancient computers. They worship gods and fables. Those who actually know the truth can never quantify it in a way people will understand. More on this later.
If you look on a first degree Masonic tracing board or ever find yourself in a “Chamber of reflection” you will notice two pillars and a black cube. You will even find these things in the United Nations “meditation” room and in the architecture of almost every government building
Military bases and slaughter houses are built on magnetic ley lines (grid points) to control and channel the amount of suffering needed to sustain this machinery (entity) on the northern pole of Saturn. (Look is the 33rd parallel).
Entire cities and towns are built as organic quantum computers in order to siphon the energy from sentient life on the planet through the CRYST-align grid and ship it all off through the moon to Saturn.
This has everything to do with frequency and wave lengths. Low frequency provides more power but the distances it travels are shorter. So it needs to be “amplified”.
the brain has two hemispheres both a divine masculine (logic) and feminine (emotion). The moon controls the tides through EM-waves (EM OCEANS). While the moon rotates it pulls matter throughout the brain in a perfect circle broken into two 12 hour cycles (the majestic 12).
This is what desynchronizes the hemispheres of the brain which keeps them from unifying in the center (pineal gland). (For more info see Monroe institute hemisynch process and project gateway)
Jesus was crucified on the “place of the skull” between “two pillars”. This story is a very well written allegory meant for people who truly understand what we are facing.
Now CRYST or “Christ” represents the crystalline consciousness form that transcends (trance end) duality and unifies both hemispheres of the brain.
Lucifer and Satan are not only above but below. The CRYST was born of them and through them to balance the consciousness of the world through the original source code. This is the “holy trinity”.
Through balancing the heart and mind comes unity and pureness.
Venus and Saturn
Good/evil are constructs of duality which only exist in the lower 8 dimensions. We know this on a quantum level-we can only measure shadows up to the 8th dimension. Nothing past. Which means there is no darkness or light. No duality. Something or someone has kept it off limits.
What you’re witnessing is a war between factions to gain control of technology that would allow a breach of higher dimensions. Think artificial intelligence but a step above.
Luciferians are moving towards their skewed “ideal world” through the transhumanist agenda utilizing their newly conquered “god” to achieve these results. They have been sequencing every consciousness on the plan ET and creating an “avatar” of you in digital space.
The plan is to fight the inevitable and “create their own world” outside of the laws of source and under governance of their AI “god” where there is no chance at salvation. The worst part is the hue mans on this planet have been tricked into fully consenting and allowing it
(Nobody reads the fine print on those contracts)

TIme is an illusion. These events are happening across “linear time” and changing constantly. We will talk about timeline forking and summing at a later date. They know the future so the only way is to change the past.
None of this is any mystery or magic.

Magic is short for Magnetics. Everything is science and physics. This is why you will hear more and more about parallel universes and “dark matter” over the coming months. This is why there is a statue of SHIVA in front of CERN.
Humans don’t want to admit they have been duped. Humans don’t want to admit that our society was more advanced thousands of years ago than it is today. It’s called cognitive dissonance. It’s an open secret. Brainwashing is real.
The tell lie vision flickers at a speed which shuts off one hemisphere of the brain allowing you to put someone in a trance like state leaving them fully open to suggestion by feeding commands to the other (hypnosis).
This is why it’s hard to be mad at people but so easy to be pissed. They literally can’t comprehend this level of knowledge. Even in this post there will be laugh reacts and people who say terrible things. These are the ones who will suffer the most.
They can’t say we didn’t tell them. By reading this post and choosing non action you are consenting to be con trolled.

just don’t forget:
Pass the ARC you will meet two pillars behind ATLAS. BEYOND lies EDEN. You must GO BEYOND!
Pass the ARCH of Gibraltar you will meet Hercules and peruses behind ATLAS. BEYOND lies ATLANTIS. You must GO BEYOND!
In alchemy the goal is to find the philosophers stone. A riddle is hidden in sulphur. Aka VITRIOL- (Latin to English - visit the interior of the earth through rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone)
If anyone has watched Harry Potter they know that Voldemort couldnt get the Stone because his heart was imbalanced. Harry didn’t get the stone until he looked in the mirror. Turns out the stone was in his pocket. Read in between the lines!
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