I personally think everyone should have as many chances as they want because i think there is always room for improvement, right yes i know its pedophilia but all crazen needs is a talk with someone a really long talk about what hes done and why he shouldn't do it-
He will eventually learn and redeem himself, i respect each and every soul on this planet and i dont care how much hate i get for this but i think its okay for him to get another chance and if he doesnt fix himself then he can try again and again and again because everyone-
has made a mistake before and we were given chances to redeem/fix ourselves so why not give him another chance just like you were given another chance, like cmon this is the most childish drama ever, if everyone gives everyone chances then there will be no dramas-
and if that person hurts you in anyway still give them chances just like i did to almost everyone whos hurt me which includes my school bullies, random kids on the street my cousins, aunts, and so on and because i gave them so many chances they changed because they realized-
that what they did is wrong, so if we can give crazen more chances he will stop doing the wrong things hes done, hes 17 or 16 god damnit not unless the age of consent there is 16 then yes i understand but just give him one more chance he deserves it just like we deserved ours
to not forgive and leave him to his problems will lead into even more problems and he will still do it, just give him a chance hes a good guy hes got that good in him some out there, stop being childish everyone lets give him another chance he can even have a talk with me or-
someone outside of the community or a therapist, he can redeem himself give him time and let him take a break and he'll fix himself
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