You know...people fap. That's not the issue with the #MeToobin situation. It's the fact that he did it...ON A BUSINESS it's not that difficult to not flog the dolphin while you're on a business call. Like seriously...wait until the call is done, then go choke...
...the pope. Or, god forbid you get so "sex nuts" that you have to rub one out, excuse yourself FROM the call and go to the bathroom to smack the bishop. If you REALLY wanna spank the monkey to someone on a video call, sign up for Chaturbate...there are tons of people who...
...will happily watch you choke the chicken. Alright...that's it for this thread...just wanted to make masturbation euphemisms, to be honest...but also, don't jerk off on camera unless it's with someone who consents...and don't send dick pics to people without consent...
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