The tram this morning has multiple groups of kids with no masks. Presumably "home" from schools that have closed for certain year groups, or entirely.
And yet it's the masked, sanitised and segregated pubs that take the blame and the hardship.
Reopening the pubs wasn't a problem.
Reopening the schools was.

Teachers and schools themselves have worked tirelessly to so what they can, but there's only so much they can.

Pubs still remain the safest place outside the home.
Pubs are self policing, we track everyone who comes. We show them to their seats. We check there's no inter-household mixing. We provide hand sanitizer, we clean between groups, we ensure spacing.
But the public transport we use to get to and from our work doesn't, as much.
There are more Revenue Collectors than safety officers. The fines on public transport go to the individual, the fines in hospitality go to the venue.

We've done everything we've been asked.
We're willing to do more.
But we need the financial support to do it, not the punishment
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