Happy #TrafalgarDay - "England expects every man to do his duty..." except the 13,000 sailors in Nelson's crews included:

123 black West Indians
3537 Irish
361 Americans
78 Swedes
25 Norwegians
23 Prussians
9 Russians
54 Frenchmen
100+ Indians
25 Maltese
115 Italians
Many women were also present in the thick of battle, nursing wounded sailors - but as they were there unofficially its hard to track down exact numbers. Some estimates put it as high as 75.
This seems to have upset people
You know - the people you'd expect to get upset
Strange that a simple tweet like this should invite such hatred and contempt. The viciousness and bile unleashed is quite extraordinary frankly. All I was saying was that Nelson's crews were multinational but people have insulted me, my family and frankly gone mad....
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