Like many of us, I've been thinking a lot about what the election results mean for the left in Aotearoa and for the working class more broadly. Below are my thoughts and suggestions and you're welcome (nay expected) to ignore them:
In terms of my main takeaways, two main things stuck with me.

First, cannabis legalisation being on the ballot almost certainly helped Labour and (particularly) the Greens.

Second, @_chloeswarbrick showed us all what it means to run a left wing electoral ground campaign in NZ.
Throughout the campaign, I was increasingly impressed with Chloe and her campaign. I think we have a lot to learn from her mahi -- particularly around organisation, communication, and grassroots tactics that the radical left has sadly forgotten. I think there's lots to learn here
In terms of the prospects for progressive change, I think we're in the best position we've been in since 1972.

Yes Labour are centrists BUT they are also cowards and will do progressive things if we force them to.
The left should now do everything in our power to get as much progressive change as possible out of Labour.

As a starting point, I think that requires the Greens being a principled left-opposition party. Party members need to put pressure on MPs to hold the line here.
But how do we get as much as possible from a Labour majority?

We fight. We get organised. We mobilise public pressure to force Labour to do what's right.
What's the best way to force Labour to enact progressive changes?

Labour will listen, when a big enough mass of us force them to listen. That means:

1) Join your union + push militancy
2) Join social movements (like @againstprisons) that are working on issues you care about.
Labour will only enact progressive policy on labour rights, welfare, criminal justice, climate change, te tiriti justice, and other things we can about IF we can mobilise enough people to force them to

The next 3 years are an opportunity, but we need to get our shit together.
Final thought:

I'm putting most of my organising effort into @againstprisons. This year, we helped to run the #VoteYesOnCannabis ground campaign and led the #ArmsDownNZ campaign to end armed police patrols (and won!)

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