My top 4 Kyo ani series and why in this thread.
If you been my mutual for a while, you'll know that the love for koe no katachi that I have is something that can't be explained. From the beginning to the end, it gave me something to remember by and that's the beautiful part of it. Also, there's also shouko :)
now onto k-on, you should know by now that I adore k-on because for its simplicity, moe vibes, and the girls plus ton-chan (I mean who doesn't love the little guy?) It might not be the anime for you, but damn sure do I love it.
Liz and the blue bird, I know that Hibike eupho is also a great anime but I just like liz and blue bird just a lot more than the main series, which is kinda funny. The ost, characters, backstory just made the film 100x better.
Violet Evergarden, where do I even begin with you? Let's start from the beginning, you were amazing from the start and you finished it perfectly all the way until the end. Just like with Sora yori, I felt emotional over some letters once again. visuals, art, ost and characters 😳
honorable mentions: Dragon Maids / Clannad

Dragon maids was my very first kyo ani series and I think it was wonderfully made by its studio and clannad: the characters with buggy eyes and antennas on their heads, I enjoyed both seasons but I think Afterstory seals the deal.
before I finish this thread, I just want to send all my condolences to the people that worked on these wonderful series that tragically lost their life in that unexpected arson fire back in 2019. I'm just happy kyo ani is back on their feet once again.
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