i always had this to toxic trait where I measure my waist every morning for like one and a half years,,, mind you i was mentally unstable because of the things i cant control, so my coping mechanism was to control my physical appearance instead, which was a lot more detrimental++
to my health but in my delusional state it sounded pretty sane for me,, so i measure it and every time it was more than 22 inches i would literally stop eating.,,, and not to mention, most of my social panic attacks where from my body image
But ever since i was surrounded by the right kind of environment i realized how fucked up that was,i can’t blame anybody but myself for that, but now that i found this ig account call ‘iweigh’ and now All is well,, but of course long term habits are hard to dismantle so i still +
check my waist from time to time, at first i’d go back to my old habits but now i’m very much aware of how negative thoughts forms in my head and i just completely shut it out,
Waist is 23 inches now and i was about to have the same mindset and panic attack but instead i’m making this thread rn,, im sorry if i’m such a privileged brat i’m tryna be better lol,
but in my defense i’m bloated as hell from my 2 liters of water consumption, my period, and too much cheese,,,
BUT i’m just over this overthinking mind, so yeah, eat, dress and act like how you want to you stupid self centered bitch, your weight or body shape doesn’t define you,, but please exercise i know you’ve been sedentary your whole life and now your back and shoulders are aching.
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