Look what @realDonaldTrump did:
Now, before you give me any flapdoodle about how I did it, that ain't true.

Plenty of excellent writers on Twitter.

My MUSE is Trump.

Therefore he gets the credit.

You read me because I write about angles other's aren't covering.

The goal is to be a fact-based cheerleader.

I wouldn't be writing about Trump if he were a flat tire.


Writing about him in away that stands out has made me a better all-around writer.

Twitter forces me to be less wordy.
This is carried over to my other writing, which currently consists of a completed memoir and a series of books about World War One assault troops.

I'm writing these books as I find more material.

The only accurate sources are things like medical journals and period photos.
I speak a lot about cognitive rigidity and "anchoring."

Anchoring is a form of cognitive bias.

You hold on tightly to an initial thought and judge and dismiss NEW ideas without even considering them.

You are ANCHORED to your biases.
I consult nobody when writing my military books.

They always respond with hostility, so I've learned to find my own way.

It took me years to get over the instinct to share new discoveries.

I'd think, "I need to tell..."

And there's nobody.
After I publish my books, I'll donate all my photos and research to a military institution or museum that values such things.

I need to find one that will be around as long as the country is around.

But my job IN THAT FIELD will be done. Then I'll find something else to study.
I'll have a lot to write about here on Twitter during Trump's second term.

The best is yet to come.

Can't you feel it?

It now has an inevitable quality to it.

We CAN get cocky.


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