“Oh my god, I am SO sorry!” Lance slams his car door and rushes back to the stranger who’s also stepping out of their black convertible, seemingly WAY more calm than Lance is.

Lance’s tennis shoes come to a squeak on the asphalt when he sees the paint of his blue buggy smeared
and scratched across the stranger’s fender, and he thinks his heart drops to his stomach.

No, he /knows/ it.


/Fuck/, his insurance is going to go /so/ up for this— especially for getting a /convertible/ involved??

He’s screwed. So, /so/, very screwed.

He just wanted
to go out for some breakfast with his best pals Pidge and Hunk, blasting some Ashnikko on the way. Seemed perfect, right?

Little did he know that his right mirror would betray him at a busy intersection, making him swerve a little more carelessly than he usually is into an
Innocent man that probably had plans for his day other than pulling over in front of a frozen yogurt place to examine the damage.

An innocent man that’s /very/ tall with these dark eyes the closer he gets to where Lance is, grey turtleneck and a dark jacket to suit.

Oh, and
Don’t even get Lance started on that long hair. Nope, we aren’t gonna talk about how soft it looks.

“Are you alright?” The stranger asks beside Lance, bent a smidge to run a hand over the rough streak in the pristine black paint job.

His low voice throws Lance off a bit, but he
manages to nod, face the stranger.

“Yeah, I’m alright. Are /you/ okay? I wasn’t exactly going slow..”

“Well, yeah,” the stranger snorts in obvious tone, standing up straight and traveling up to see the damage to Lance’s bug— barely anything except a dent or two on the bumper.
“I’m good. What were you in a rush for?”

Lance shoves his hands in his pockets, head thrown back in an exasperated sigh, “I wasn’t in a ‘rush’, I was just into the music I guess.”

The stranger gives an acknowledging hum, looking back down to his car.

And Lance takes this time
To observe the man longer: his dark lashes, the way his brows come together when he’s focused, the smooth curve of his pale lips, his long bangs and how they frame his sharp face, even sharper jaw, the dark piercings littering the shells of his ears..



Lance blinks himself out of his zone, looking into those eyes that he can now tell easier are actually really, really dark violet.

The stranger’s big brows rise a bit as he repeats, head tilting, “what’s your name?”

“Oh!” And Lance is back in the moment, pulling up his sunshine
smile that he always uses to greet. “Lance McClain. You?”

It takes the stranger a beat or two to answer back, almost like he was also taking advantage of their introduction to look Lance over from where his eyes were wandering low.

Nah, that’s just Lance’s imagination.
For sure.

Eventually the other man is making his own small smile out of his lips, one that has some pointy, bold canines peeking out.

“Keith Kogane.”

“Ah.” /Keith/. “Nice t’meet you,” Lance nods, glancing to the cause of accident. Which makes him cringe because oh, right. “Uh—
Sorry we had to meet like this, though..” a hand rubs at the back of his neck under his white tee, lips pursing. “Do you think we could just.. make an exchange upfront or something? I’d rather not get insurances involved— mine’s already /real/ up there, and Blue’s seen better
days..” Rolls his eyes for emphasis, only for them to land back on Keith’s, nervous while violet is none other than amused.


Lance blinks in confusion to the off course question, but shrugs in validation anyway. “Mhm, she’s my #1 girl, been through it all together.”
Keith huffs a chuckle, looking over the back of the blue bug in question. “I see.”

Lance takes a minute to decide whether he wants to take that as an insult or not, but he just scratches the back of his head with another spared glance at this handsome stranger’s side profile.
“What about yours?”


“It’s name?” Hand is on his hip, “oh c’mon, don’t tell me a smooth babe like this doesn’t have a name?”

Keith holds back a grin for that, shaking his head, “Red.”

Lance almost scrunches up his nose, “Red?”

Because, duh.

“But it’s black.”

Lance doesn’t need anything other than the cue in Keith’s voice to follow him to the driver’s side of Red while the stranger opens the door to present a—


“Of course it has a red interior.” Lance mumbles, only meant for himself but apparently Keith picked it up because
He’s snickering.

Big shot, what’s so funny?

“/Anyway/,” Lance emphasizes in a drawn out huff, “how much do I owe you?”

This time, Lance /does/ notice those dark eyes undoubtedly falling down his whole front profile, till they boomerang up to his face again.

“To be honest,
I’ve never gotten in anything like this, so I’m not sure.”

Sigh, of course he hasn’t.

Way to rub it in his face. Stupid grizzled stranger.

Lance frowns, looking at his feet and, without anything to distract from the situation, the guilt starts sinking in.

How much /will/ this

Is it gonna put a big ass hole in his pocket based on the car type?

Is this Keith guy gonna hold it to him?


Ah, shit. He did it again.

Lance shakes out of it, “sorry, what?”

“What’s your number?”

Lance’s brows jump, because /woah/ that’s a major jump.
“Geez, not even gonna take me out for a drink first?”

Because it’s first instinct to him.

...But then he remembers the situation. Oops.

“Fuck,” a forced laugh, “that was a joke, I didn’t mean—“

“Okay,” Keith shrugs, taking a step closer and not being so subtle with how
He looks Lance up and down slower. “Do you have anywhere you need to be anytime soon?”

Oh come ON. Of COURSE—

Lance /blushes/, sighs; nodding tiresome with a pout, “yeah, I do.. I’m meeting up with my friends.”

“Oh, alright..”

And just like that, Lance thinks that his chances
With this perfect stranger are gone, that his pockets will hurt like hell after he pays this guy, and that’s it.

Until the stranger is ripping off a paper from a small notepad in his pocket with 10 surprisingly neatly written digits.

“Let me know when you’re free.”
Lance hasn’t noticed how he’s staring in awe at this guy, or how his mouth’s probably catching flies. But he takes the paper, folding it up for keeps in his pocket with a nod, getting a short glimpse of a smirk before Keith is back tracking to his car again.

“Okay!” Lance
Finally answers, stepping to his car, too, giving a wave as Keith drives off.

Once Lance is settled in Blue, he plops back in his seat, letting the moment sink in.

Oh my god.

Oh my /god/.

His phone’s immediately in hands, fingers smashing to text Hunk and Pidge the eye candy
that he met, prolly brushing over the accident.

***I totally didn’t make a thread based off the accident I got in today what I would never..👀 real talk, everyone was ok!! It was just a fender bender, the family was very understanding & open to working things out with me. :)***
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