One very important thing that we can all do is hold a Biden administration accountable for dismantling EVERY Trump-era immigration regulation immediately & to stop the slow march to promulgation for any still pending review by his inauguration. It's a thing that has to happen.
We appear to be in the midst of a frantic pre-lame-duck effort to toss out every possible immigration regulation that Miller & co have ever even tried putting to paper, an orgiastic grand finale of inhumanity and administrative violence which it will be left to Biden to clean up
For yrs now, these people have been throwing evil ideas which are *illegal on their face* at the judicial wall just to see what makes it through, forcing advocacy orgs to waste resources better spent proactively shaping the law into years of prolonged defensive litigation
This is ofc awful, but not a bad strategy for a government backed by a historically massive litigation machine. But much like flying passenger airliners into buildings or making sandwiches out of fried chicken, it just wasn't a contingency anyone thought of until it happened
It's natural for liberals to assume that Biden is committed to cleaning up all of Trump's messes, but that's neither inevitable nor necessarily desirable for the next administration. There are any number of things which might be easier to leave in place, or unpopular to reverse
e.g.: #SCOTUS will be reviewing the #MPP ("remain in Mexico") policy which has worked in concert with several other major Trump developments to badly immiserate asylum seekers. While Biden promises to end it, actually doing that will be a slog both politically & logistically
the #resistance has always centered Trump as the avatar of injustice at the expense of real talk about historic injustices he inherited from (most recently) Clinton, GWB, Obama--and, yes, Joe Biden. Once we have resisted American fascism, it's time to resist American complacency.
Seeing from responses to this that I need to be much more clear: my opening tweet here was just what has to happen on Day 1. If we don't then dismantle this system from the top down all we're doing is restoring a very bad status quo.
But I absolutely don't trust Biden to do any of that--including the most basic Day 1 status quo restoration. He had a lot to do with building this system and has no incentive *at all* to do anything more than not actually be Trump once he's in. Don't let 'em sleep until it's done
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