Today is the 3rd annual Mastocytosis & Mast Cell Diseases Awareness Day.

I have Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis, and it impacts every aspect of my life.

Here's a collection of threads explaining what Mast Cell Diseases are from folks who live with them.

#Mastocytosis #MCAS
If anyone is looking for a welcoming and inclusive space to discuss how these diseases impact sex, sexual health, relationships, dating, etc. Click the link in the tweet below ❤️
Here's my thread from the 2019 Mastocytosis & Mast Cell Diseases Awareness Day
And another from 2019's #InvisibleDisabilitiesWeek
A great thread from @GraysonGoal earlier today:
And another great thread from @alexhaagaard from earlier today as well!
Here's an old thread with some info about the difference between MCAS and Mastocytosis

(Caveat: there's currently some doctors working to update how these are classified, and the unofficial new guidelines would mean some people, like me, would actually have both illnesses)
You can follow @hedonish.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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