i’ve been meaning to write out and post an analysis thread on this official art for weeks now but never got around to it so i will be doing it now,,
so first and foremost the most obvious thing about this is the lighting and colours used on each side. ukyos side has colours we associate with a colder feeling. blues, purples, different shades of each. the heroine on the other hand has colours we associate with warmth +
oranges, yellows, and reds. we can see that some of those colours bleed onto ukyo himself which i believe that tells us the heroine is his warmth, the person who can fix him.
another thing is the blue butterflies specifically, which are believed to symbolize a persons essence or soul. they are also thought to mean joy, or a change in luck, or even a wish granted. the last part sticks out to me, ukyo made a wish that he would +
be able to keep the heroine alive so they could be together. which, clearly happened here, his wish was granted. another symbolic thing are the red roses, or at least i think they are red roses.. many believe they represent love and romance, while others believe they represent +
sacrifice or memorial. both of these make sense as ukyo quite literally sacrificed his sanity, and his own life several times in parallel worlds to keep the heroine alive so they could reunite in the “real” world. lastly, we know this is UraUkyo in the image +
the under eye circles and wide eyes are a dead give away. i’m still not sure if ukyo is aware when Urakyo is out, but this makes me think he isn’t.. UraUkyo had tried to kill the heroine in an attempt to rid ukyo of the trauma all of this caused him. so, when the heroine +
runs into his arms, knowing he can be a danger to her, he is obviously going to be shocked. hence the shocked expression, which i believe is ukyo returning, rather than UraUkyo. also the hands not fully touching the heroine, while she is clearly waiting for his embrace.
i think the heroine can fix UraUkyo, as much as he wants to rid ukyo of her.. ukyo won’t let that ever happen and this image TO ME at least shows that.. they are definitely star crossed lovers who will have a lifetime of troubles but will do anything in their power to meet +
in each world so they can be together.

i’m not even sure if this thread made sense it’s probably very messy but yea<3
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