Daddy: What do all these shapes have in common?
Me: They're all quadrilaterals.
Daddy: Why?
Me: Because they all have 4 sides.
Daddy: They do all have 4 sides.
Daddy: Now, can you sort these quadrilaterals into 2 groups for me? I want all the rectangles in one group and all the ones that aren't rectangles in the other group.
Me: Ok.
Daddy: Some of these are rectangles up here, but not all of them.
Me: ...I don't know which ones are rectangles.
Daddy: Why did you pick these to go up here?
Me: Because they're long.
Daddy: Ah, so you think a shape is a rectangle if it's long?
Me: Yes.
Daddy: Ah, ok. Here let me show you which ones are rectangles and then you tell me what you notice about them.
Me: ...Oh! These are the ones where you can put a square in the corner. My teacher showed me.
Daddy: Can you do that in all four corners of these rectangles?
Me: Yes.
Daddy: We say that these rectangles have square corners.
Another way of saying it is that the four corners of a rectangle are the same size. That's what makes it a rectangle.
Daddy: What about this shape down here? Does it have square corners?
Me: Yes, this one is...but this one isn't.
Daddy: So is it a rectangle?
Me: No.
Daddy: Why?
Me: Because they aren't all square corners.
Daddy: Yes, the four corners aren't all the same size.
Daddy: Did you notice the squares?
Me: Yes.
Daddy: What is different about the square rectangles from the other rectangles?
Me: ...I don't know.
Daddy: Here. Let me make some examples and see if you can figure it out.
Me: Oh! I know!
Daddy: Come show me. Make a square rectangle and a non-square rectangle. Non-square just means it's a rectangle that isn't a square.
Daddy: So what makes these two square rectangles?
Me: ...All four sides are the same.
Daddy: The same what?
Me: ...The same size.
Daddy: We say all four sides are the same *length*. All four sides are congruent. That's what's special about a square rectangle.
Daddy: What's about these two rectangles? Are all four sides the same length?
Me: No.
Daddy: Are any sides the same length?
Me: These two and these two.
Daddy: These two are on opposite sides of the rectangle so we say these two *opposite* sides are the same length. So are these.
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