I never thought my political science degree and obsession with social deduction games would really intersect but then I didn't see a lot of 2020 coming.
I'm mostly familiar with AOC's voice from hearing her eviscerate Republicans so hearing her innocently ask about the rules and saying who she suspects is surreal. Also now Ilhan Omar is protesting way too loudly about not being the traitor. It's great.
Hah hah. They were both traitors and apparently Ilhan did most of the killing. They were pretending to not know the rules to hide why they were being slow. So good.
It's also fun seeing the classic debate of "Was this person targeted by someone who plays with them a lot of just someone who wanted to get rid of them because they're experienced." I have had these exact arguments. Also Ilhan's maniacal laughter is adorable.
AOC is so indignant when being asked if she murdered someone in cold blood.
Also classic: Let's accuse you of being a traitor because you were a traitor last game. Poor Ilhan.
OK. She was actually the imposter and apparently is an extremely vicious killer. Go for her. But the accusation was still weirdly baseless and I love her.
ROFL. They're teaching Ilhan how to mute herself to avoid maniacally laughing on the stream and getting ejected again. Also kudos for the anti-Ajit Pai jabs happening now.
Aww. Ilhan's daughter is playing now. I hope she murders her mother. That's a real bonding opportunity.
AOC is struggling with terminology and trying to figure out in "respawn" is right and saying she's trying to be more observant. So cute. Now she's dead.
OK. I'm going to sleep but this was great. More of this please.
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