Warning: Amatuer Theorizing

1) Biden drops out
2) Doesn't matter who replaces him
3) Massive depression on left
4) Reduced voter turnout
5) Massive down ballot impact on House/Senate
6) DNC blamed for nominating a criminal
7) FBI blamed for approving Biden
8) Too much winning?
9) Trump gets credit for warning people not to go with Biden a long time ago
10) Trump gets credit for warning people not to vote early by mail (they can't revote now)
11) Liberals wailing in the street KNOWING if they'd listened to Trump this might not have happened.
12) Did I mention DNC will be blamed and destroyed by their own people?
13) Antifa can't resist and riots, but is full exposed
14) NG settles things quickly
15) MSM is fully exposed for having covered up Biden's crimes and ENABLING DNC to nominate a criminal [again]
16) False division gradually subsides without MSM lighting fires
17) NWO collapses
I'll settle for 9 out of 17.
Let's see how many I get right. :)
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