It was my birthday recently and I reflected deeply on the concept of identity and self-value 🎭

1/ We often talk about wanting to be anti-fragile đź’Ş

the ability to not just stay resilient through chaos, but thrive as a result of it.

But how does one even get there?
2/ I believe that just as an investor diversifies her portfolio to mitigate risk, we should diversify our personal identities through pursuing a diverse and dynamic set of personal commitments.

Every commitment represents 1 hypothesis for who we think we are.
3/ As we go through life, we’re constantly editing out, modifying, and adding new hypothesis’ into our identity portfolio.

With every iteration the feeling of deep peace and alignment grows. What we value, do, say, and think become increasingly harmonious.
4/ Diversifying our identities is great in theory, but why's it difficult in practice?

"We commit to identities early on that are influenced by parental pressure & social expectations, at a time when we don't have enough self-knowledge to really understand what makes us happy."
5/ This is further amplified by the fact that "identity” is esp easy to acquire:

- through clothes we wear and things we buy
- Companies we work for becoming “who we are”
- Or institutions where we’ve been educated that tell us we are a certain type of person
6/ It’s not that these proxies are inherently inaccurate or damaging as they rep values we may care about deeply.

The problem arises when we go to these proxies looking for identity, instead of these proxies being byproducts and external manifestations of our internal values.
7/ Though one may feel identity solace through the proxies of job, processions, and institutional affiliations in the short-term,

I’ve learned that they dilute and stifle self-understanding in the long-term.

Having a fixed identity often restricts you to a local maxima.
8/ And somewhere deep inside, I think we know when we’ve either chosen the wrong identity or have come up against its inherent shallowness.

So how do we arrive at our truest selves and values?
9/ I believe it is only through trying on numerous identities and failing, over and over again, that we begin to develop an intuition towards who we truly are.

Letting go of the notion that your identity is fixed, on a brand label, or ordained by external institutions and ppl
10/ Reading, creating, traveling, loving, learning, un-learning and getting ripped apart at every turn.

Leaving behind ppl, ideas, and careers you once ferociously loved, to make space for ones that will take you to new maximas.
11/ Like iron, our identities only become clearer once they’re put through the fire of experiences.

To die, decombust, recombine, and renew upon ever-compounding plateaus of self-knowledge.

As a result, they are never fixed or homogeneous in nature.
12/ Your personal identity portfolio is never locked into one final permutation.

You are both everything and nothing at the same time. And this thought, for me at least, is incredibly freeing.

To continuously keep your identity flexible and open, is to be truly anti-fragile.
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