Every time you see the word "tensions" in the news replace it with "racism" and see how the story changes.

Here's a thread with a few #ModerateLivelihood examples from this week alone:

"[Racism] remain[s] high in the dispute over the Indigenous lobster fishery in Nova Scotia." https://twitter.com/NatObserver/status/1318703832017342471
#CDNMedia, your white supremacy is showing. Hire Black and Indigenous editors, fix your shit, and support #MikmaqRights. #SipeknekatikStrong 👇🏻 https://twitter.com/TheAgentNDN/status/1317325273730371584?s=20
You can follow @jeffadoctor.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled: