True Coach!

Just wanted to share a little story.

One point in my life, I was stuck doing 2 jobs. Both a 20 minute car ride away,

But the catch?

I had no car.

I had two shift work jobs, both fast food.

Graduated from university, and no dice with job applications. So I fell back to doing anything I can.

I just needed something to get started.

Little did I know it would become the most challenging period of my life.
I had a family to help support. Bills to pay. All essentials. I didn't have Netflix and I made coffee at home. And no I wasn't a millionaire.

But I don't want to digress too far.

On one job I worked the graveyard shift 11pm to 5 am, the other 10am to 3pm.
My only means of transport: a $99AUD bike from kmart.

Everyday it was this routine. I'd get up cycle 45 minutes to one job, cycle home another 45. Rest. Eat. Cycle another 30 to the next. Cycle back. Rest. Eat.

It was tough.

It was hard.

But what surprised me?
My body never gave up, it never gave in.

My mind was ready to quit. But what kept me alive was my body.

I could see it. Feel it.

With every ride I became stronger, faster. Even with this INSANE routine.

My body just got stronger and stronger. Adapting.
What did I learn?

We can adapt to anything.

And the mind will give up way before the body.
Over time, as I got faster and as I saved more money through this insane routine. I began to invest in a course in my local public college.

I invested my time into an education.

And the time I got back from being so fast on the bike, I used it on the education too.
Fast track 5 months, I was out of those two jobs.

I now own a car.

And I'm working on side-projects with a job that isn't grinding me down.

"Success is just beyond the point at which you want to quit."

Those words are truer than ever, coach. @AlphaHustlerfit
Key takeaways:

- Always strive to invest in things that will give you more time.
- You are powerful. You will adapt.
- The mind gives up before the body ever will.
Oh and I forgot one thing: the bike.

With that initial investment of $99. I made over $20K through those two jobs.

That investment, gave that insane ROI.
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