Which Main Series rival is your favorite?
Which loss hurt you the most? (Doesn't have to be listed here)
Which Evil Team is your favourite?
Which Evil Team Leader is the best? Why?
Which of these battles was the most difficult?
Saddest Pokemon moment?
Which Main Series generation was the peak of Pokemon Games which was the lowest? Why?
Which Pokemon Movie was the best?
What's an Unpopular Pokemon opinion that you have?
Favourite Generation starters?
Favourite Team Rocket moment?
Which of these Season 1 Gems are your favourite?
Which of these Pokémon Professors always has a special place in your heart?
Which Battle Frontier Challenge was your favorite?
Which of the Eevee's evolutions are your favorite?
Which character's family members remain supreme?
One game mechanic has to go. Which one will it be?
Which of these Regional Variant pokemon is your favourite?
Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny... Who's the supreme?
Which is your favourite Pokemon Theme Song (You can't say the original theme song)?
If you could only choose one path, which one would you choose (League Challenge, Contest Coordinator, Breeder, Researcher)?
What's a Pokemon design that you strongly dislike?
What's something you don't like about Ash Ketchum?
Follow up: Why don't people like Pokemon Sword and Shield?
This is the end of the thread. Hope you all enjoy the new Crown of Tundra DLC tomorrow. If this thread didn’t bring back memories, then this cute video definitely will! 🥰
You can follow @JaytheAngell.
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