Why would @fordnation disallow municipal ranked ballots? Here are two reasons:
1) first past the post favours local politicians like him: divisive, white, male, wealthy, and with a prominent name or incumbency advantage. https://twitter.com/josh_f/status/1318651756507705346
2) the precedent of ranked ballots in use in Ontario cities normalizes it, and if broadly accepted, it jeopardizes the electoral system that the @OntarioPCParty (and @ontario_liberal) have depended on to wield majority power with far less than 50% of the vote.
When Ontario next goes to the polls, remember this. Remember Toronto ward sizes and the notwithstanding clause. Remember Dean French and Rob Taverner. Remember gas pump stickers and buck a beer. Classroom sizes. Autism services. Incompetent, incoherent COVID-19 response.
Remember all of it, vote them the hell out, and demand that whoever comes next fast-tracks progress towards an electoral system that produces more representative outcomes.
You can follow @g_meslin.
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